Question for Island & Coral Princess Cruisers


Lady Jag

:? :? :? :? :? :? :? :? :? :?

Has anyone been told of a port change for Cartagena? The US has issued a travel warning and I can't imagine that Princess would stop there right now. If you've been told of a port change, what port was it changed to and how did you find out?

Thanks for the help!! :thumb


Some ships are still stopping there because the travel warning was "lightened up" a bit for Cartagena ...

Princess normally notifies by mail with an updated confirmation indicating the change ...and they don't usually do it too far in advance.

As for the substitute, it depends where they can get port space... sometimes Aruba, Belize, or Colon if they are not already stopping at those places. We took a full transit in December and they substituted for Cartagena with a stop on the Pacific side before we went through... Huatulco.


I called Princess, and was told that they have been rerouting the Cartagena stop by either going to Aruba or staying longer in Colon. So far they have rescheduled through the middle of September. I'm on a 9/30 sailing and they said they are still "watching" for that date.

Lady Jag

Aruba sounds great to me. Guess I better 'hope' for the situation in Columbia to worsen???? I wonder what Princess is "watching" for? A miracle? :grin


We are sailing on the 16th of Sept, received a letter from Princess, that we won't be stopping at Cartagena, instead we will stop in Colon, Panama on Sept 25, the port call has been extended in Aruba to 8:00 am to 7:00 pm. Onless the situation should impove that can change it back. But I hope not,Its a scarie place, we stopped there a few yrs back and I didn't like it at all.