Radiance , is she ship shape?



Having been on an older ship that was not in the best shape, can anyone who has been on the Radiance recently tell me what condition she is in? In 2002 I was on an older ship from another line and it was horrible. Carpet stained, musty smell throughout the ship, a general non clean shape. I want my husband's first cruise to be memorable, but for all the good reasons. I really love the look of the Radiance and what it has to offer. Is she kept up? Are the public areas as well as cabins in good order? Thanks...


Radiance is only 5 years old. RCI ships are usually kept very clean. The worst that one might find on Radiance is perhaps some worn carpet in the high traffic areas. Her much older sisters in the Vision class are in good shape. The Radiance class ships are very nice. At approximately 90K tons, they are not as overwhelming as the Voyager class but offer more than the Vision class ships. Enjoy your cruise!

Lady Jag

This is really good to hear because the Radiance is our absolute favorite ship (out of about 14 so far). It's an elegant, intimate ship with some of the most beautiful public areas.

I've found that a lot depends on the cruise line when it comes to ship up-keep. RCI, Princess and HAL really take care of their ships from what I've seen. Carnival leaves a lot to be desired, but NCL is the worst, IMO. Our recent NCL cruise is the only one we've had where we haven't seen crew members constantly cleaning the ship.

I think your husband will be pleasantly surprised! Let us know when you get back, okay? :?


The Radiance and her sisters are always very well kept up! (As are all RCI ships!!)

[quote geeandp] I really love the look of the Radiance and what it has to offer. Is she kept up? Are the public areas as well as cabins in good order? Thanks...


The Radiance was our very first cruise........and only one so far I sadly might add.......it was FANTASTIC. She's a real beauty. I haven't heard one bad thing about her since I've been on these boards. Enjoy your cruise!!


Thanks to everyone who gave me there input.... I am anxiously awaiting our bon voyage... At the time of this writing, we are waiting for the first tropical storm of the season to pass... . By the time we board, I will be ready to relax! Sounds like I made a good choice. I'll get back to you after we get back.

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[quote geeandp]Thanks to everyone who gave me there input.... I am anxiously awaiting our bon voyage... At the time of this writing, we are waiting for the first tropical storm of the season to pass... . By the time we board, I will be ready to relax! Sounds like I made a good choice. I'll get back to you after we get back.

Are you sailing on November 5th? If so .......see ya onboard!!


You'll love the Radiance,and I agree- RCCL keeps all their ships up very well, and the Radiance is not an exception!