RCCL profit down 98%



What do you think about the announcement on the home page here that RCCL's profit is down by 98%? I wonder if it would even be safe to put a deposit down on a trip to be taken in 9 - 12 months from now?:(


I think they are in deep doo..........................

Bet the big Celebrity boys are wishin they had taken Carnivour's offer now... <img src=http://addictscay.com/bob.php?image=laughblue.gif>


There certainly are some tough times ahead for RCCL......and some of the others. I do think that RCCL will weather through this.....maybe much lower profits for a while though. They have to be sweating how they are going to fill the Oasis and Allure.....I tried to tell them not to build those monsters.......but, would they listen?........Noooooo!


What about booking waaaaaaaaaaay in advance with a deposit and maybe payments along the way. IF they were to go under (pardon the pun), probably a real nightmare to get any deposit $$ back, if at all possible. What do you think of that? I'm kind of reluctant to book anything to far in advance.:S


I have two cruises booked with them now......and unless I see other indicators that really worry me, I'll book a couple more later this year. I only give them a deposit and don't pay the rest until seventy days out, so the risk is minimized. I wouldn't pay anything earlier than I have to, I'd keep the money in a savings account. If you pay by credit card, you do have some recourse if they go under. [ I really don't think they will fail as a company]


I agree with the last poster--I think it's highly unlikely RCCL will " go under " --they may have some rocky riding to go through in a year or two, especially coming out with the gigantic ships like the Oasis, etc. Those ships cost an amazing amount of money to build but an amazing amount of money to insure and operate. Unless they can fill them at a reasonable rate, they will no doubt start to get in some trouble. Having said that, I would be willing to bet that Mickey Arrison of Carnival would love to step in and buy a controlling interest, if not all of RCCL !! :)
But, with all that said, I just checked on booking a RCCL cruise this fall and the price quoted me by an established T.A that I usually work with was way out there ! She said RCCL wasn't discounting but might later on. A D-2 balcony was around $ 1400. per person. Doesn't that seem out in left field in this economy ??
I know there's some T.A.'s who are on this board--what's your take on a quote like that ??
I would like to cruise RCCL this fall but not sure I want to that badly !! :wave


I find some of this discussion interesting, but it reminds me of the media - blowing things way out of proportion, creating a 'crisis' atmosphere when in reality, times are tough, but the tough, good companies will 'weather' this ---- and RCCL is one of them