Last time we were in Cozumel, we rented a Jeep from "Less Pay"... think that was the name of it. I found their website and many other car rental companies online while doing general searches for Cozumel info. I think we paid around $45 incluing insurance .... been 2 years now, hard to remember exactly. I bought their insurance becuase before leaving home, I called my agent, and he said it might be worth the $10 to pay for theirs and not have to worry about my insurance covering any incidents outside of the country. We had a great day, drove around almost the whole island. I had been to Cozumel before and had done some of the other typical tours, so I was looking for something different. However, if I had to do it again, I would go the opposite way around the island. We headed south and around the bottom, then up the east cost. Problem was, we didnt know how long of a drive it would be so we skipped Chankanaab Park and never got back to it. We should have headed north first, through the center of town, then east out past the San Gervasio ruins in the middle of the island, then south down the east side. At those same websites, you can get printable maps of the island, these are a must if you drive it on your own. Theres also a national park at the southern tip with a lighthouse. We didnt stay there long, again because we just didnt know how long it was going to take us to make the circle. We did stop several times along the coast, went swimming (just at the shore, the surf coming in on the east side is rough), browsed at some shops along the way, etc. We saw several other jeeps along the way doing the same thing. Then on our way across the island back towards town, we stopped and spent some time at the San Gervasio ruins. In total, Im thinking this took us about 6 hours.... we were in port for maybe 8 or 9 hours, so we did have time to stop at the other things we skipped, we just didnt know it at the time. Its a fun day, hope you have a good time.
Edited to add: make sure you have a full tank of gas (I suppose the rental companies make sure its full before you take it out) because we saw NO gas stations on the other side of the island... none until we got back into San Miguel.
Post Edited (03-25-04 01:41)