Request Late Disembarkation



Can anyone tell me if you can request from Princess a later disembarkation time? We have a 2:30 flight out of Ft Lauderdale. Thanks for any ideas.


I'm on the same flight. However, some things to consider -
Yes, once on board, right up until the last day of sailing, you can simply fib, and tell them your flight is at 6pm or you drove there. That will guarantee you "last off"

However, they will have ALL AREAS blocked off, no food or drink served, and there are only a couple main rooms to wait in. You cannot stay in or access your cabin. (They need to ready the ship for the next sailing). TRUST ME, this makes for a pretty ugly "get me OFF of here" feeling. Not to mention the later you get off, the longer the customs lines, waits for porters, etc.

I'm having a freind pick me up for brunch and drop me at the airport around 1pm.


Thanks, Connie -- that was very helpful. So you'd suggest getting off whenever they assign us, and just spend time at the airport. That seems the least claustrophobic option, for sure. Thank you!

The Cruiser

The Horizon Court Buffett WILL BE OPEN for Breakfast on the disbarkation day.


[quote mdrees44]Thanks, Connie -- that was very helpful. So you'd suggest getting off whenever they assign us, and just spend time at the airport. That seems the least claustrophobic option, for sure. Thank you![/quote]

The airport is DEFINITELY preferable to sitting on the ship. However, FLL aiport isn't so hot. A few restaurants, a couple shops, that's about it. But I'd rather sit and read at the airport, eat, walk around, then be "trapped" on the ship. It's funny how the staff who loved you so much during the cruise, especially your cabin steward, suddenly TURN on you - ha - because they want you OFF THE SHIP. They only have so long to prepare the ship for the next sailing. That's why after 8-9am, you are "herded" into a couple large common areas, so the crew can start cleaning. I once left my cabin at 6am to run up for a quick bite to eat on disembarkation day and when I returned to my cabin at 7:00am, my steward was literally cleaning around my luggage. I was like, ummm. may I use my bathroom? IT'S 7:00AM!!! (They aren't supposed to kick you out until after 9am) He rolled his eyes at the inconvenience, but allowed me to use my own bathroom. LOL

So, I always say I have an early flight, (like 11:00am - anything before that - they will make you hand carry your luggage off) get off first, and am out of the terminal by 9-9:30am. From there, if none of my South Florida friends are around, I'll taxi to the airport and hang out there.


One last tip - that LAST breakfast buffet is always MOBBED as there is nowhere else to go. So I now order in room breakfast (unless you are starving, which after a week of cruising - doubtful) and relax on my veranda with coffee and toast, etc. I avoid all the public rooms on disembarkation day and try not to leave my cabin until the ship has cleared customs. Then I just walk off


On our last cruise (Southern Caribbean out of San Juan), they let people sit on the decks around the aft pool to wait for disembarking.

It was lovely--the breeze was blowing and the view of old San Juan was lovely. I realize the view in FLL isn't so great, but that still might not be too bad if your only alternative is several hours in the airport.


They've always roped off the deck chairs on my 50+ got lucky!! Or someone forgot to rope off the area. FLL is a pretty port to hang out at. Wish they had a nice outdoor restaurant within walking distance. They'd make a fortune.


You won't get room service breakfast on disembarkation day on a Princess ship. You have a choice of the Horizon Court buffet or the dining room.....the dining room has limited hours on that morning though so be sure to check!!


Ohhhh. thanks Beryl....I'm used to Celebrity. Glad I know. Not even continental breakfast, huh? Celebrity offers in cabin breakfast until 7-7:3-am on disembarkation day. Again, thanks for the heads up. I'm sure I'll look like a Pufferfish by then, so I'll skip the whole breakfast thing and grab something at the airport.

Brian B

In September on the Sapphire we indicated on our disembarkation form that came two days prior to the end of the cruise,"we would like a late disembarkation as our flight (non-Princess booked) leaves at 3:00 pm". Princess met our request, we disembarked at about 10:30 am.


Yes, leaving the ship LATE is never a problem, if you don't mind being on the ship waiting.

For me, once we drop anchor at FLL, I'm ready to get off, and I'm not claustrophic either, but I truly dislike crowds and lines. To those who are more laid back than I (most of the population I imagine), wait away!! :)D

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