I was looking out the kitchen window yesterday at all the beautiful snow and thinking how great it would be to be a kid with a sled, a toboggan, or a pair of ice skates. In the last week and at least for the next 2 it's going to stay like this. I could be making snowballs or building a fort, or making a snowman.
It's not one of those quick snows where everything melts by the next day. It's an extended winter wonderland. I just hope the kids are able to pull themselves away from their "devices" and go outside and play.
Lee; I hadn't thought about all the extra exercise you get just by walking around to the things you want to see while in Florida. That and your smart eating. Serving sizes are way too big at restaurants. A curse for most people's waistlines. Breakfast is usually my big meal of the day, too.
K2; You must be very happy with the place if you're willing to drive 35 minutes to it to get a haircut.
Speaking of haircuts and trimming; Kathi took the pooches to the groomers yesterday, and to my surprise she pulled back in the garage 20 minutes later with the little barkers in the car. The place was closed, and will be till the 10th, for their Christmas break. Somebody goofed. Either they gave Kathi the wrong date for their appointment or Kathi wrote down the wrong date on the calendar.
Happy to hear that you are well, Mike. As for your question, we didn't get 8 inches of snow like you, but we're holding steady at 5 to 6 inches.
Make me smile KC. Tell me that your microwave is still working just fine.
For us, high teens lower 20's today with a bit more snow tomorrow.