It was indeed a less than stellar news day. I can’t imagine how those folks in California will even begin to pick up the pieces. But you know they will. And then saying farewell to President Carter. After a week of the furnace being on here I’m finding my nose and throat very dry. Yes, we have furnaces at home but it seems to be a different, dryer artificial heat. This colder weather sure has brought out armies of trucks from various heating and cooling contractors! I don’t have much this morning either other than to wish you all a very good day.
It was indeed a less than stellar news day. I can’t imagine how those folks in California will even begin to pick up the pieces. But you know they will. And then saying farewell to President Carter.
After a week of the furnace being on here I’m finding my nose and throat very dry. Yes, we have furnaces at home but it seems to be a different, dryer artificial heat. This colder weather sure has brought out armies of trucks from various heating and cooling contractors!
I don’t have much this morning either other than to wish you all a very good day.