Good AFTERNOON. Where did the MORNING run off too??
Karen: Good move going to ER and getting that finger check and ring removed. Bummer they had to cut it, but it can always get soldered back together again.
Your lower temps might have kicked in some Arthritis in the hand. Soak it in Epsom salt water.
Dave: SNOW ANGELS.... my neighbors and I at our old house would get out there and make them on the front lawns all in a row. The things we didn't do back in that neighborhood and when we were younger were amazing. I should have kept a journal of everything! Ha Ha
Mike: Still NO SNOW here. I think if I didn't pay for Snow removal we would have 5 inches.
It's our insurance policy. (rather costly, but worth not having to get out there in the cold if it did snow)
Lee: Hang in there with your cold spell down there. Better days are coming.
Put PANS/BOWLS of water around the heat vents (if they have them) to add moisture to the rooms. Cover with large holes cut in foil or saran wrap so AVA doesn't drink the water from all of them. I'm sure that place doesn't have a furnace humidifier attached!!
Art got his CAULKING project done this morning. Where the counter and backsplash meet had a grout in it that was pulling away and leaving a GAP! I was able to go to a large tile store and found Silicone/Sand Caulk in a color that matches the tile perfectly. I didn't even have my sample tile with me at the time. (good eye work) Anyways, we put a bead of it on a extra piece of the tile and let it dry and it dried to the same color and was pliable but still stiff. IT TURNED OUT GREAT. Only a homeowner would have noticed the gap where the backsplash meets the quartz counter! But it's nice and clean looking now.
I wonder how much a tile repair person would have charged us for this type of job. 
Well, don't we US CITIZENS have something to be PROUD of now.......Felon for a President!

And with that I'm out of here. Stay warm. We might get snow later today here.