I must have JINX’d myself saying we didn’t have any snow here. WRONG!! It’s been snowing since 4:00 pm. Not coming down hard, but steady! About 3/4” so far! I went to the grocery store and managed to spend $126.00! Some of it was bigger items. Did NOT buy any eggs. They wanted over $7 bucks for a doz. I can see the price of donuts going up and I bet the “breakfast” places will be adding a Surcharge on egg orders! We had homemade Chilli tonight and I must say it was good! Dave would have had to add LOTS more peppery spices!
I must have JINX’d myself saying we didn’t have any snow here.
WRONG!! It’s been snowing since 4:00 pm. Not coming down hard, but steady! About 3/4” so far!
I went to the grocery store and managed to spend $126.00! Some of it was bigger items.
Did NOT buy any eggs. They wanted over $7 bucks for a doz. I can see the price of donuts going up and I bet the “breakfast” places will be adding a Surcharge on egg orders!
We had homemade Chilli tonight and I must say it was good! Dave would have had to add LOTS more peppery spices!