That is a pricey dog bill but I'm sure it is worth it for you and Fuzzbutt. I hope he is good for a while. I'm glad you like your Green Mountain coffee Dave, we have one of those coffee machines that work pretty well if you remember to put the cup in place which I have forgotten to do. That was sort of confusing to me, football after the Rosebowl. I doln't know if I will be able to pick up the championship or not.
Lee, my younger daughter likes Trade Joes, she buys her two buck chuck there. I didn't know it is 4.49 now. It won some wine tasting competition years ago. She buys our wine now but I don't know what kind or where she gets it. It is something that Fay likes. I'm pretty s ure that guy that has some Green Mt. coffee will bring me some, 3 1/2 hour drive one way, what are friends for, I will even offer him a cup of coffee and a donut.
K2, I like my showers hot also. I also turn the temps ups before I get in the shower, needless to say the bathroom is pretty warm when I get out. May we eat off your kitchen floor now????
Do your cherry tomatoes still taste good Karen. Generally ours lose their taste in late summer although they didn't this year. Must be nice to have home grown tomatoes in Jan. W use to wrap some of our larger tomatoes in newspaper then put then in the fridge and get them in Jan. Do balls bounce better on rubber mulch?????
We use to see squirrel and chipmunk track in the snow but don't see them any more, I know the squirrels are no longer here but didn't realize the chipmunks are gone. I wonder if I start feeding the birds again the squirrels will come back.
Patty came over yesterday and stayed the night. She took Fay to the Dr. early this morning for a heart test. I hear a cup of Green Mt. coffee calling me, join me anyone???