=love..OH Mark, and I had a bet who took that photo..... I said Judy,, he said Michael!! .. it was you Sweet Sistah Judy!!.. sigh.. it'a WAHHHHHHHHH we have to wait till next July for our home visit.. oh well..
I had a BEEP of a week, it just was.. and so sad to say..it was wonderful having the week in Colorado.. but this week at work ..it took the cake, the frosting, and the platter too!!..and knocked the stuffing right outta me.. 52 hours in 4 days..:dizzy..love the $$ but OY..
I had a family member get tossed into a tougher week than me.. and got compounded with me losing my grip ..and I only flip out, and off every few years.. my kids, and Dear husband know to head for the hills and duck for incoming.. and Mark did.. =eek.. he may be a foot taller, and a hundred pounds heavier..but the Italian from Sicily in me is not to be believed..
.. not a good trait..I then make amends in myself and swear not to cork off like that again.. and for years it works till next time..Bad Girl Joanne... but Whoooeee he went to the furthest corner of the house till my temper had settled...
Funny thing is.. about 10 minutes after I literally can peel skin off a longshoreman , and make even my Dear Poppa who has been known to make a railroader back down..silent.. I have a serenity and calmness invade me.. BUT when my loved ones are threatened.. I become this nasty Virago.. sigh.. Oh well.I have to make mass atonement now.time to hit Father up for a visit at Mass..
....and Yom Kippur was yesterday!! for my Dear Hebrew friends.. so I slept hard, and fast.. and am back to my usual sunshiny self..=lolgang...
I have bacon sizzling, eggs to fry for my Sweet Hubby, and diet toast.. take care all.. enjoy your day..:daisy..Joanne