We went just about a month ago...
I was wanting to parasail - did it cozumel for $55...there were a bunch of options there all about the same price.
In Roatan we booked an excursion with
www.roatansaltnpepper.com -
My husband is a certified diver and I'm not - they coordinated a dive for the two of us - me a discovery and he tagged along. It was just the two of us and the dive master.
We took a van over (they met us at the dock) with 8 other people - they went snorkling.
They took us to the Lost Paradise Inn on the west end. This was a great little private hotel and beach - barely anyone there and beautiful water. After diving they served us lunch (included in our fee) - this was a great lunch - 2 lobster tails and rice cooked wonderfully.
I would love to back for a week to this little spot of paradise!