Roll Call Galaxy Southern Carribbean Departing San Juan 9 Jan 2009



What a better way to start the year than with a tan and stress free living?

Sailing 09 Jan 2009, out of San Juan on a ten day carribbean cruise on the Celebrity Galaxy? If you are then be sure to sign up for the Cruise Critic Complimentary Onboard Party by going out to the following website:
As of 9 September 2008, there are eleven folks signed up so far. Twenty five must participate in order for the ship to host the party, so your participation would be greatly appreciated-it's a great way to get know other cruisers.

Sailing in our party will be four folks: Susan Day, Hollywood, South Carolina; Tom and Karen Parker, Charleston, South Carolina; and Helen Parker, Newark, Delaware. We will be celebrating Helen's 50th Birthday!

We are very excited to be visiting the southern carribbean islands. We have been on a Hawaiian cruise, three western carribbean cruises and one eastern carribbean cruise over the couse of the last nine years. If you have already visited any of the islands and would like to recommend or share excursions or recommendations about what to see and do, it would be greatly appreciated.

We look forward to meeting you on the boat.


Hello! Maureen and I are newly weds and with her Birthday being on the 14th, we've decided to make it special on the Galaxy! We are real interested in meeting new friends on this cruise so lets get the party started!


I'll try this again.......Anybody on this going on Galaxy (Celebrity) on Dec 5, 2008?


Re: Roll Call Galaxy Southern Caribbean Departing San Juan 9 Jan 2009

Hello There, We are from Canada and will be sailing on Galaxy on Jan.9/2009. from SanJuan.
This will be our 13th cruise. We have sailed on Galaxy before. We love the service and the staff at
Celebrity. We do have a connection at Tortola island. A fellow employee's wife is from that island and her sister is a coastguard police officer there. If any one wants to join us to tour the island, let us know. She is willing to show us around there.

Paul and Maria


Re: Roll Call Galaxy Southern Caribbean Departing San Juan 9 Jan 2009

hello! This is Mark and Maureen. We have sailed on Galaxy before and enjoy the ship emensely. In fact we were on this ship one year ago! We are crusing for her birthday! We'd like to make a few friends along the way as well as enjoy the island of Tortola! Please feel free to send us a message!


We will be RETURNING to San Juan as you are ready to board! We'll try not to cause too much damage during the New Year's Eve party:party! We only have 14 signed up so far for the Cruise Critic Celebrity gathering on our cruise! Chances getting slim as we count down to the 29th! ENJOY!!