Roll Call Sea Princess - Baltics July 2, 2005



Anyone else set to depart on this sailing? We are curious to learn more about this specific ship -(Presently with P & O Line) and if anyone has been to these ports: Amsterdam, Oslow, Copenhagen, & Helsingborg. Other than sightseeing-any other activities to recommend in these ports (Biking/hiking?) How about the weather? Should it be rainy? Warm? Is the North Sea known to be calm this time of year?

Anyone with input-we would love to here!! Thank you


Hi, We (my husband & I ) are on this cruise as well. I did start a thread on here but I can't find it anymore. Also there is a thread going on on Cruise critic's roll call for princess.

We did a Baltic cruise in 2003 so have already been to Oslo & Copenhagen but not the other two places on this itinerary. Can't tell you anything about biking/hiking I'm afraid. But Oslo and Copenhagen, in fact all the Baltic countries are lovely and clean and fresh. Very compact city centres so easy to do all the sight-seeing bit. Last time we went, the end of May,we were really lucky with the weather. The North Sea is notorious for being a bit rough at times but we had perfect calm seas. Beginning of July should be even better, fingers crossed.