(Excerpted) "Thanks for your advice and I like your outlook on kids on cruises because my Dad thinks were nuts for taking our kids with us."
Posted by: misty (Explore, Dream, Discover) October 06, 07:46PM
Maybe he knows your kids better than we do.
Take my wife....please do, joke.
We can't imagine a cruise without them. I can lie around a deck and drink only so long (like five minutes), prance around to show off my new clothes, strike poses at the pool and take over an hour to get ready for formal night, but it's all blah, blah, blah. That's all me, me, me. They will keep you out of your room (thank God), make each moment fresh and memorable since the trip won't just be a big blur; EX: Remember when baby girl made us get her pizza at 2AM? If your aim for a cruise is still to have a "shipboard" romance, drink until you can't stand up any more, just lay on a chair and get a tan, show off your new clothes, unwind from the work grind by vegetating, I say get off the duff mate (or pay more for a real luxury cruise), and recharge your batteries with kids. Most people are so focused on themselves and their own needs they miss it. I think most people go through life as if they were the ones in the playpen and they use it to keep everything at a distance. That's why they don't like kids around. It takes their focus off themselves. (Go away, I want to relax on this lounge chair). Kids are in your face. Kids are, kids are, well, your eyes, ears and a fresh mind. They're a hell of a lot of trouble and it's that trouble that keeps you on your feet in life. Sure they run around the ship and create rudeness from time to time. But they aren't even aware you're there, they'e too into it. They're passionate! Look and listen the next time you're near kids on a cruise, they are always plotting their next move and trying to drag their friends into it. They'll beg, plead and try to bribe their buddies to go along.
I work only with seriously handicapped children who usually can't even sit up, move their limbs, or use language, and I think it's a grave offense when we act the same way. To see a child laugh and run around is a great, great joy. That lounge chair and latest novel can wait. This cruise let someone ahead of you in line, you won't miss a meal; pick up a piece of trash; smile; don't keep getting annoyed. This cruise focus on other people instead of yourself. Watch them, listen to them. Be generous. Clap for the piano players.It will be the best cruise of your life.
I guess that's why kids love their grannies and pop-pops. They make time for them.
If I didn't have a kid, I'd pay their ticket to take one with me.
Sunrise in Louisiana