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Just made the final payment with my TA today.  Requested the early seating of the late seating...if that makes sense.  She told me we are confirmed for 8:30pm and wait listed for 8pm   Gets confusing.  

After checking around I too believe that this cruise is close to a sellout.  Must be folks who do not do message boards.

We booked cat B ... will wait for them to tell us where. 

Have been to London numerous times.  Sometimes I think I know my way around there better than Seattle.  I love the theater !!   Hate the food ...  /Is HAL transporting you to Harwich? 

I did copy the offered tours but have not read carefully looked thru them yet.  We usually do the ports ourselves so it is time for me to get serious.  Have been to Paris several times.  Recommend the Normady Beaches if you have not been there.  Done that too.  Never touched Irish soil so I'm anxious to explore there.

Where are you from?  Frequent cruiser? 

Stay in touch   Be fun to meet onboard. 

anna Marie
