Hi everyone, I'm new to cruising and just finished with a 6 day on the Jewel. great time till the last few days. We were heading off to dinner and there was a mandatory hand sanitizing before we entered. hmmm we wondered, so I asked the supervisor (whom which we became friendly with) "Is it bacterial or viral?" WHAT'S going around and how many have died so far??? He looked a little spooked yet would make no comment. We went over and strapped our feedbags on for the all you can eat, and saw that the staff was spooning out the food now, yikes it must be a real issue. So we asked someone else what was going around so I could at least give treatment to my wife and friends, NO COMMENT run along now sir! I rounded everyone up and broke out the med bag. Later the next morning one of the officers told us that they have a bunch of people locked down in their rooms with intestinal problems. I thanked him and said we were ahead of the game and were dosing ourselves and keeping hand sanitizer in our pockets. That was the Feb 5th sailing along with Dianne Sawyer. Tonight March 5th I saw on the news about the Explorer and all the sick people. Now it makes me wonder, ya I know sickness runs high in closed environments, lot's of colds and respiratory stuff, but someone pointed out to me if I remembered any of the food personnel wearing latex gloves, Yeow,,, many didn't. Well, I was wondering if people getting sick with intestinal diseases were pretty common with all cruise lines, or is this yet another problem RC is experiencing. All in all I'm still jonesing for the next cruise.