Sad day for a puertorrican group of cruisers



From local news today...A group of 38 passengers that booked a cruise on the RC Adventure of the Seas were left on San Juan port when the cruise authorities told them that their names were not on the records. The passengers said that they made their reservations on a US agency by phone call (I don't remember the agency name by now) and when they arrived to the port last Sunday and got to the boarding process the cruise line authorities said that the TA did not make the reservation for them and they were not allowed to board, having to see the ship sail away from them from the port. Puertorican port authorities said that they can't demand or anything else because this travel agency doe'nt have permision to sell in Puerto Rico (I really did'nt understand this part of the report, because I think that they can make a legal case) The main thing is that those people lost their vacations, their money and their ilussions. Just imagine your whole year planning and the money spend on the cruise vacation, the clothes and everything, thrown to trash the day you were suppose to sail.

Sorry to post a news from a RC cruiseship on a Carnival board but I am sailing on the Carnival Destiny on January 4, 2004 so I find this board the one for me to write and read! And I think this news is interesting for all of you that are planning to book a cruise...Be careful when you chose a Travel Agent!

Can't wait for January 4!!!


Hi. That is really too bad for those poor people.

I just got home from the Destiny a few days ago. If you have any questions, I will try to answer if you want to email me. Please put Destiny or C@ in the subject. Take care, Shannon


Great! I will e-mail you soon!! Thank's. It just took me by surprise when I'd read the news this morning. It had to be very bad for them to know that they were'nt going and they could not do anything about it. I hope this won't happen to me on the day we sail. Any way...I have all my receipts with me and I already made my online pre-registration or Fun Pass, so I am sure I am in.

Thank's for your reply!!!