i just came back from a 3 day on fantasy and they only required 100.00 deposit per person, only if you do cash, if you put down a credit card they do not charge the card until the last night of the cruise. we used cash deposits and just added cash as needed, which we really didnt, soda cards were 18.00 total with grat added in, so you can use your credit card for the whole cabin, also your sign and sail on the fantasy was not your rom key we actually got seperate room keys from the sign and sail. if you look at the ccl web site it will tell you the same for the deposits. but we recieved a funny room key, heres the problem i wish that everything was one card, we got a sign and sail, a seperate soda card, and the room key, so we had to carry around 3 things with us at all times, we had neck straps which was great , got them on ebay, if you email me i will give you the peron to buy them from , they held small wallet, all the cards and my camera, and it was the best thing i could have ever bought.