We sailed on the Winifred last May. We reserved our space with a credit card for $110 per person. The card isn't run until the day of your trip. If you pay with cash, the price goes down to $100 per person. The price includes a continental breakfast, open bar and a hot lunch (which was great - it was served on china with cloth napkins and flowers!) The max. number of passengers is 6. We were picked up at Red Hook (20-30 min. cab ride from where the ship docked) at 9:30 a.m and returned to Red Hook before 3:30. All we took was towels, sunscreen and a camera (disposal underwater is good, too - you'll get some great shots!) Don't forget sunglasses and I would also recommend a hat, especially if you're fair skinned. Capt. Sharon has snorkel equipment and great Winnie Wings for those who don't snorkel. Plenty of room on deck to stretch out and read or relax and you can even help with sails if you like.
It's a great day to spend a day in St. Thomas and so much more relaxing than many of those excursions with so many people.