sailing from Bayonne



Hello All:

Has anyone sailed from Bayonne? We are sailing to the Caribbean in April. We leave on Friday evening and arrive at our 1st port on Sunday which is Charleston SC. Will we be able to swim? I have heard that the pools will not be available and that the water is rough in the Atlantic so we may feel more movement. Any information will be appreciated.

Any thoughts on carrying in a botttle of wine. should we pack it in our luggage or just put it int he carry on?

Also how do I put the countdown signature?

Thank you

Haggis Hunters

Hi there, we sailed from Bayonne on Voyager (Royal Caribbean) best bit was the fact we just made it under one of the bridges - the truckers were blowing their horns, the traffic slowed to a crawl and the folk on board, including myself in this, had a grin that would span the bay!!!! :grinNot rough weather, we had plenty of time to enjoy the innards of the ship by cruising from NJ when going to Caribbean - in fact that is why we choose this way. Who wants to get lost in the ship when you can be outside on a beach!! This year we have chosen more sea days for the same reason, why stay in a luxury hotel and leave it every day for 8 hours!!! Have also been to Charleston, muggy, hot but lovely, ?swimming. never did it but plenty of time for that in the Caribbean mon! Have a great time, In short - NJ port is good starting place - see the ship THEN see the Caribbean! B)


Haggis Hunters

Thanks for the reply. We have sailed before but from FL and we have a member who is very sensitive to
the motion and we were concerned about being in the Atlantic all that time but it sounds like we will be ok. We are looking forward to the adventure. Any suggestions for things to do in Charleston with Children ages range from 14 - 4.



We will be on this trip with our daughter,husbandand 2 granddaughters aged 14 and 10.We did this trip in late October and it was cold on New York.The sea was flat and it was very pleasant in Charleston.

We went on the Fort Sumter trip and will probably do the same again with all the family.The USS Yorktown is moored opposite the ferry terminal for Fort Sumter and some of our dinner guests went there and thoroughly enjoyed it,there's a naval musem there.

Have a great holiday



negative on the non smoking cabins.. you take your chances. That being said apparently they have the technology to cleanse the whole cabin if there is a problem created by previous occupant.


We're sailing from Bayonne in Oct.........looking forward to not flying down to Miami


We're sailing from Bayonne in Oct.........looking forward to not flying down to Miami


We're on the Connie out of Bayonne 10/27/06 and I booked a cc on the Sky deck #9150. Does anyone know anything about this cabin? Also, is there any other parking besides at Cape Liberty?
Thank you for any info.=COOL


Haggis Hunters...I wish I could have seen that as we passed under the Varizano Narrows bridge. I was on the very first ever sailing from Cape Liberty on Voyager of the Seas and we left in a zero visability fog. Barely saw the bridge at all as we went under. :( We had a very smooth ride that trip, very unusual for the seas up there.