Sailing in 4 days last quesion : )



Hello everyone and Happy Holidays!!!

Well we are just a few days away from sail away on the Splendor and I have one last question. I see that Carnival allows for a limited amount of soda/water/juice that you can bring on board/ drinks for the room. For the 5 of us I was going to pack 3 of those 12 can packs. I planned on puting them in one of my carry-on bags so that I dont take the chance of having my big bags with all the clothing get destroyed + I would rather get a bag ripped apart geting on board then have my big bags get held up by security and not get them in time for dinner. So is that to much to bring on and is carry on the best idea???

Thanks for all the great info over the past few months and Merry Christmas!! : )

Jon : )


I've always put soda in my carry-on. This way you can control how much banging around the bag gets. I've never had a problem and I've never even heard of someone getting held up for a bag search due to soda so I'm sure you will be fine.


Re: Sailing in 4 days last question : )

Great... Thanks for the info. The weight of the bags wont be an issue, 3 strong boys!! We live in FL and just have to get the bags from the car to the ship, so it should not be a big deal : )