Hi everybody
All the info you guy's put on this site is great!
We will be sailing on the Victory for our Honeymoon on May 18, This is our first cruise we will be stopping in San Juan, St Maarten and St Thomas.
I'm looking for info and websites about tours we can do at these ports, and maybe if you want to share your experience you had at these places.
Thanks for your help and keep posting it really help us, who are new to the cruises.
All the info you guy's put on this site is great!
We will be sailing on the Victory for our Honeymoon on May 18, This is our first cruise we will be stopping in San Juan, St Maarten and St Thomas.
I'm looking for info and websites about tours we can do at these ports, and maybe if you want to share your experience you had at these places.
Thanks for your help and keep posting it really help us, who are new to the cruises.