San Diego to Ensenada? Transportation??




We are taking a cruise on the Infinity to Hawaii out of Ensenada and I just found out that Celebrity won't offer the transfer if we deviate our air travel (which we are).

Can anyone suggest a reliable and easy way to get to and from Ensenada from San Diego?

Thanks so much!


Frank Black

I am not sure you are totally correct. I live in San Diego and have looked for affordable and reliable transportation to or from Ensenada for a cruise. It is almost non-existant. Reliability make me the most nervous. I would hate to rely on a fly by night tour operator to get me to Ensenada.

I have heard that you can pay extra for the one way transfer to Ensenada, You just need to get back to San Diego airport to meet the cruise lines bus. I suggest you have your TA push Celebrity.


If you are a Captain's Club member you can deviate the air travel if you pay the extra fare if it is higher. I believe you can also pay a $50 charge and any extra fare if you are not a CC member.


Hi Sassygirl,

I agree with Frank, in that the available options to get to Ensanada are not very reliable. While I haven't sailed Celebrity out of Ensanada we did sail on RCI's Vision of the Seas. We purchased transfers from RCI, iI believe they were about $65 apiece, and took the AMTRAK train from Orange County to San Diego, and a taxi to the airport. There was a little confusion at the airport but we just had a short wait until we were on a bus for the 2 1/2 hour ride to Ensanada. There are a number of stops along the way and We had no problems because the bus was cleared and fees payed by the cruise line. Celebrity in a part of RCI so you should be able to get the same opportunity for purchasing ground transport. Your Celebrity brochure has a statement saying the transfers can be purchased if you have made your own flight arrangements.

The cost may seem high for this transport but you get a box lunch and a bottle of water, all tolls and fees paid, cruise check in at a hotel in Ensanada and transport to the cruise terminal. The busses were air conditioned and a party atmoshere prevailed on the trip. If anyone refuses to sell you transfers I would certainly go up the line of authority until I found out why not.



We just returned from the 05/09/04 sailing of Infinity from Ensenada to Hawaii. We bought our own air and were still able to purchase transfers from Celebrity. You just have to be at the airport in the baggage claim area early in the afternoon on the date you sail.


A guy I have used several times is the following:

Abel Dunn 619-421-7234 / 619-921-1427 He charges about $175 for a van which can take up to 8 people. Very reliable.


I hope you are not correct and that my T.A is. We have booked our own air with FF. and will not be using Celebrity hotel package for the Hawaii cruise out of Ensenada March 2005. My understanding that it is $67/person and that we can purchase it. We just have to be wherever the bus is leaving from. Probably from the Sheraton Hotel which is quite a bit more expensive than the one we will use.