We did this excursion June 2007. You ride on a bus to the resort from the terminal. We didn't feel unsafe when waiting to board the bus or on the bus. The "bus tour guide" also advises that it can be unsafe and gave us instructions as to what to do, not to do at the resort. Upon arriving at the resort, we did noticed there were armed guards posted outside the gates.
One thing the guide mentioned was there's guys that "row up" on a kayak/canoe with jewelry. She advised don't buy because it's crap and won't last!

Sure enough...we saw those guys and it did look interesting in that you wanted to check it out. We didn't (of course I say "we"...my husband could care less about the jewelry). But because of the advice I didn't check it out!
We tipped a buck or 2 but it's not necessary. Red Stripe is the beer on tap (not that cold). When first arriving they played some familiar American music and we thought, "This is cool. Great music." and then...we heard the same 4 songs OVER AND OVER AND OVER until we were like..."Don't you have any OTHER songs??....Geez!" That's a long excursion to hear the same music! We should've brought along some cd's! Apparently this resort is near the airport as big jets flew just above the hotel. Luckily we were only there for a short time....I couldn't help but think to myself..."If we'd spent our $ to come here on an all-inclusive resort on our honeymoon (as I'm sure a lot of people do)..I'd be LIVID!!"
Don't know if we'd spend the $ to do this excursion again. Oh....I forgot to mention that the food wasn't too bad...so there! There's a positive! And who knows....maybe the music is better too!
There was an excursion on the Conquest that had trouble. It was a covered canopy tour and guerrillas came out of the jungle and robbed the people of their $ and passports. There was a shoot out and 1 of the 2 robbers was killed. WOW! When we arrived in Galveston there were news crews but it seemed that it was also kinda "hush hush". I have to wonder if Carnival offers that "canopy" excursion anymore. Also...we met some people that were chaperoning a group of teenagers and it seems that a taxi driver was very adamant about trying to get this teen into his taxi. Luckily the chaperon noticed and pulled her away. (Why the teenager wasn't savy to back away...I have no idea.) I've always wanted to go to Jamaica. Maybe another excursion would've been better. We've heard that Ocho Rios is much better. Perhaps we'll choose a cruise that stops there...but Montego Bay has kinda derailed our plans of ever visiting Jamaica again!