Sapphire Princess



Just came back from the inside passage to Alaska, the ship was beyond beautiful. The service was excellent. Our room steward "Efrain" was very attentive to all our needs. What a cruise.
There are a few things cruisers ought to know however:
1. Personal Choice dining means that there is a $6.55 per person service charge every time you eat in one of the 4 anytime dining restaurants.
2. Your Coke sticker for soda is $22.50 per person for the entire cruise.
3. Alaska is cold most of the time - remember to pack a warm sweater and hat.
4. Embarkation and debarkation are a system of loooooooong lines. We were fortunate to be with a disabled person so we followed her as she was wheeled through the line but figure on at least a 30 minute wait on the ramp in Seattle. I must add that the crew tried very hard to get everyone through and to the right room as quickly as they could.
They also delivered our suitcases faster than I have every had mine delivered. What a nice surprise.

Overall it was a joyful experience, both on ship and on shore. The excursions were excellent. We went on one non-princess excursion (the duck boat) in Ketchikan. It was awful!!!! Filled with young children who wouldn't sit still and stop yelling over the top of the guide.

If you get a chance in Ketchikan do go on the horse drawn trolley, and if you are very lucky you will get Angela - what a wonderful guide. In Skagway - don't miss the days of '98 show, what a hoot. Our guide was Anna, and we really had a good time seeing the town. We also road the narrow gauge - you can buy a video of this journey. It is something to see!!

You can't go wrong on Princess and this was a top-of-the line ship and crew.


Just want to add that we were Caribe 301 and it is a long, long way to the buffet and pools. What a ship, and what a walk. You get your excercise just from your room to wherever you want to go.

Cruise cutie

=coolsign..and what a great review..:thumb..thanks for whens your next cruise on Princess and where ya going??..Inquiring minds want to know so you can beat PCD - Post cruise depression..:grin.:daisy..Joanne.


Will you please explain the dining room service charge to me. This is the first time I've heard any thing about it! Thanks.


There is NO service charge to the 4 personal choice dinning rooms, he is mistaken. I was on the Sapphire 6/13-6/20.


Even though I'll probably regret getting involved, here I go. I think the $6.55 charge referred to was actually the daily wait staff auto tip. Our account was charged daily and separately for the dining team and room steward. The food service tip may have appeared to be a "service charge" for PC dining.


Thanks to you too Sharkin! I did wonder if this was the charge that Dancer was speaking of! Since I go knowing that the tips are automatically charged to your account I would certainly not be surprised to see it on my bill.


Thank you all, this was most informative, I really appreciate the feed back.
If someone takes this wonderful cruise, get a balcony, it's worth the extra sheckles to have your own space to take pictures.


To Cruise Cutie:
My next cruise, ahhhhh let me see, I would love to do Great Britian and pub and castle crawl for a very long time. However, I loved the Caribbean and think the Ft. Lauderdale to California through the Panama Canal would be wonderful. They all look so good, it's really hard to choose, but I think next January/February I'll head for warmer climes.


Dancer, do come to Britain.
Don't come in January or February though!

There are some good cruises now that leave from British ports and would allow that pub and castle crawl to include Ireland, Scotland, Wales and England.



Thank you Cinnamon, I've always wanted to go there. I may have to wait until I have enough money to do it right. Now I'm looking at another Caribbean, possibly on the Caribbean Princess next winter.



Sailing Sapphire Sept 12th. Wondering if you might be able to answer some questions.
Did you stay the night before in Seattle? If so where? Did you have to catch a flight after the ship docked back in Seattle? Did you take a taxi to the airport? How long did you have to wait for a taxi and how long a ride to airport? Did you take your own luggage off the ship? Thanks.


I was on the Sapphire in June, stayed at the Ramada Inn the night before. I might look for another motel next time if I went again but in a pinch it's ok, good location. Taxi's were waiting after the cruise, I took the shuttle so can't tell you for sure about wait time, guess it wasn't much. You can take your own luggage off the ship but you must leave as soon as the ship is done with customs. Good choice if your plane leaves early. Ride to airport about 30 mins. My flight left at 12:30, I was off the ship at 9:45, after finding luggage and getting on shuttle was at airport at 11.


To Snee67: I took the shuttle after getting off the ship - I would take a taxi from the ship to the airport if you are traveling on Northwest or Southwest Airlines. It's a long walk from where you are dropped off. The shuttle took our luggage and when we arrived at the airport, we had to drag it to the other end of the terminal to check in.
We were fortunate enough to have someone guide us through the subway to the gate where we waited for the plane.
All in all it wasn't too much of a problem, but a taxi is the way to go in Seattle. It's only a 15 to 20 minute drive to the airport.


Dancer, thanks so much for your great review. I think you answered my top 10 questions for our cruise on Diamond on 8/21. I will also be accompanying someone with limited mobility, so it's nice to know we will have some help! Sounds like there's a lot of ground to cover just onboard the ship. I think we will look into using an electric mobility chair for Grandma (hope there's enough room in their cabin for storage?!).

By the way, anyone who is staying in Seattle and has some spare time; as a native, I can offer the following advice: Though I have not been on them, I hear the Duck Boats for Seattle are the BEST. I don't have any hotel recommendations, but sights worth seeing on the waterfront are Pike Place Market, Ye Olde Curiosity Shop, and if you have spare time, the aquarium. Do ride the trolly to the end of the line to eat at the Spaghetti Factory, Don't bother with Experience Music Project unless you are really into music museums. Do take the ride to the top of the Space Needle, and if you have time eat dinner there (although it is very expensive and the food is mediocre, the view makes up for it). Have a great time1