Scam or not


New Member
I have just received e-mail saying Hear you go $500 Carnival gift card.
This was sent from a member Privatly to my e-mail.
Does anyone Know if this could be a scam.
There is a link to cruise addicts which i am a bit reluctant to click on.
I have gone to my in box here and the message is sitting there also.
By the way the member only joined today.
What does anyone think.


Environmental Compliance Officer
If it sounds too good to be true, it usually is!


New Member
I reported it Straight away to site admin, knew straight away it was just pure spam and devious link...

As always never clink on a link like that.

The user was Bindoowee as far as I know, that use has now been booted...



Community Manager Part Time Dinosaur
Staff member
You would never be sent an offer of that nature from or on behalf of Cruise Addicts that was legitimate. We make every effort to prevent this type of spam but once in a while one slips through. Never respond to any offers through PM messages or email on behalf of Cruise Addicts without first contacting a staff member, the only exception would be to contact a Travel Agency that was listed in the cruise deals newsletter and they are not going to give you anything either, except a good deal on a cruise.