scooters in Grand Cayman?



Does anyone know if you can rent scooters (mopeds) while in Grand Cayman? This would be a fun way to find a nice spot on Seven Mile Beach. We rented mopeds while in Bermuda and had a blast. Does anyone know where we would find scooters near where you get off the ship? Thank you.

Enchantment of the Seas 4-17-04 :)


I don't remember seeing them at all in GC though I did see alot in Cozumel. I, personally wouldn't ride a scooter in any foreign port. Most people, in the ports I've been to, drive like a$$h@les.


I read a review where someone rented mopeds and was sorry they did because they claimed the roads in GC are very busy, and the natives drive crazy. When we went to Bermuda the ship warned everyone not to rent the scooters. There were a couple of folks who wiped out and spent time in the hospital. IE: Missed the ship! Spoke with one guy fell off, and was all bandaged up, hurting badly, luckily he made it back to the ship. I wouldn't risk it if I were you.


Wow. I'll have to rethink this plan!

We did rent mopeds in Bermuda and they drive on the left, so we had to be careful, but we had so much fun.



Yea. I have never been to bermuda but can say that in GC and Cozumel, people drive like absolute maniacs. I'm not just being a wus. We rented them in Key West and had a blast. In Cozumel I would recommend renting a car and exploring the island though. It's beautiful

Anonymous User

Once you get to the main drag of GC, turn left and a few blocks away is a moped/scooter rental. A short walk away. If you are comfy riding on 2 wheels I say go for it. The drivers are craizier than Bermuda. We rented there as well. DH rides motorcycles, so we rode 2 up. We had a great time. The ones that are timid with riding on 2 wheels are the ones that have problems.


It has been many years but we rented scooters in Coz. in 1991. Just be careful and you will have a blast. We saw so much of the island that no one else aboard saw or explored. One of the craziest things we did was to travel down a dirt road to an old lighthouse, it used to be a tourist attraction. The old gift shop at that time had been painted with Armada de Mexico or something to the effect and the light house appeared to have been used by squatters, they were friendly and let us into the lilght house, we climbed a million steps but what a fantastic view. No one else aboard had that experience I'm sure.


You can rent scooters just about anywhere. If you have good common sense and know how to ride them you should be OK.
The ships never recommed scooters mainly because they don't make any money off of them......................