Security - locked luggage at Fort Lauderdale



The security inspectors at the local airport will break the lock on the luggage if they decide to open the luggage for inspections. We are told to secure the luggage with plastic quick ties (those with an eye on one end that you pull the other end through, then can not be pulled out.). If they need to open the luggage, they will cut the quick ties, do the inspection, and install new quick ties. Do the security at Port Everglades, or other cruise terminals have this same policy? We will be sailing from Port Everglades in October, and do not want the luggage locks broken. Thanks.


Port security involves x-raying baggage, not opening it as the airlines often do.


I believe that in accordance with Homeland Security regulations, luggage will
be opened even in the cruise terminals IF there is a suspected illegal item or
substance. Cruise terminals will rely on x-rays and dogs to do the job and if
those measures get a "hit" then the luggage will be opened by force if necessary.
This will take place at embarkation and disembarkation.
Use cable ties- that is what those plastic items are called- for your luggage and
bring plenty of extra ones with you. You can find these cable ties at the hardware
and automotive sections of K-Mart, Wal-Mart, Target, Home Depot and Lowe's.
Buy them in bulk- they are pretty cheap to purchase, and a handful of them in
your handcarried bags do not take a lot of space.



As for your? about security putting new cable ties on if they remove yours for inspection, NO they do not. You can go inside the terminal and watch your bags go through xray and if they do have to search them you can put new ties on yourself if you are concerned about them being left unlocked.

Laurie :wave


The last time I flew the ties were apprehended. I had them in my carryon. I was told they could be used for forcible confinement.


You need to get the very small little ties that are used to secure wires or cable....(try radio shack or any of the other stores recommended above).....get ones only a few inches long....we always use them and bring 2 or 3 extra for the trip home and have never had a problem..........


I should have clarified that about the size of those cable ties. The ties do come in
different sizes so use only the ones that are too small for "forcible confinement."
I had no problem packing manicure size scissors in my CHECKED luggage that
goes in the cargohold and out of reach of "potential suspects." Once on board
ship or in hotel, then I can cut the ties. The ties that I buy are color-coded, with
white being the largest size and black being the smallest- other sizes in between
were in green, red and yellow colors. The white ones definitely could be large
enough for "forced confinement." Never really thought about it- but now that I
recall on the news and cop shows that those are more common than the metal
handcuffs. How times change!



Before you ask, I put the scissors inside an outside zipper pocket of my checked luggage so I can get to them to cut the ties!! Never had a problem with that- as long
as it goes into the cargohold it appears to be ok to do.



Airport security threatened to confiscate our little plastic ties! When we objected, they said we could use them to restrain people........ well, maybe their thumbs.

Les and Shirley

Rather than compain about security will allow, how about a few words on what is acceptable. This will certainly help us on future trips and maybe we willl not contribute to long ligns at check -in,
Is booze allowed in your carryon luggage? If you have some, what do they do???
Did you have a good cruise? Tell us about it.
Sorry for being abrupt! I have spent many years traveling and hiccups in the travel plan are part of the vacaton. My advise, make a plan, get to town a day ahead of time, and go from there! It will work.


Last cruise into FLL in April, we used Cable Ties and had two zipper pulls cut off of our brand new pieces of luggage by TSA. There was no reason to cut off the pulls as the ties were just 1/4 small ones. One piece was damaged at FLL airport and one at our local regional airport. Only once did we receive a stamp that said the luggage was checked by them, also. I too had more ties in a zipper compartment, but they never even bothered to secure the luggage. Actually, they left the zippers partly open. I truly believe in their right to aid our security, but common sence & decency would be to secure the piece after entry.


My husben works for transportantion security and yes they will brake the locks. It is for your own safety. There are signs that say do not lock your bags, they will do it for you when they are done.


They (TSA) do not lock your luggage when they are done! If you stand right by them as they check your luggage you can lock your own. The signs say do not lock your luggage and if they want to open them they will. Yes they can be nice and cut the cable ties but they don't have to, they usually do as most people have posted.

Laurie :wave