Self Debarkation...



Does anyone know if non-US citizens can still take part in the self-debarkation? I would love to do it, but being from Canada, I don't know if they'll let me or not.


When we went on the Valor in May they did not state that you had to be a US citizen to take part in the self-deparkation. However our group opted to use the assisted deparkation due to the fact that we had an early flight and it was easier not to have to worry about dragging our own luggage off of the ship. You may want to check with the information desk when you board.


It should not be a problem. No one is allowed to debark until customs has cleared the ship and on my most recent Carnival cruise (May 05), no distinction was made relative to one's country of origin during the process. We were among the first to debark since Main Deck was the first to be called. We were off the ship and in the parking garage by 8:15 AM.


I don't know about the citizenship piece-- I think when we sailed last fall, they said you could self-assist IF you didn't have to go through customs. Maybe they have changed this?

We self-assisted, and it is DEFINITELY the way to go. We sailed out of Baltimore and live about an hour and a half north, in PA-- we were back in our apartment by 9:30 AM. It was the smoothest, most uncomplicated end to a vacation that I have ever had.


Erinm, I have personally used self debarkation and I would not reccommend it to anyone... It is the most unorganized thing I have ever done and I work in the most unorganized line of work there is... Carnival makes it nice and clear that there should be no small children, pregnant women, or strollers....but they do not enforce this rule... I would use the assisted debarkation just because it is more organized and moves smoother... As far as the U.S citizenship.... It does not matter because customs comes on the ship and checks the ship's manifest. As long as you have proof that you are a citizen of Canada your all set... Happy Sailing!!!