sending a PM, and other things...


red stripe

someone mentioned that they did not know how to send a PM.
so I thought I would post this for those of you that are also in the dark.

To send a PM.

you can do it one of two ways...
you can click on the name of the person you want to send the message to.
and a small box will come up with some info on that person. at the bottom it says 'send a private message'
you click on that and you get a place to write your message already addressed to that person..

when you receive a private message, a small lime green box pops up in the top right hand corner of your screen. click on that to read it and reply.
OR if you look at the top of the board, above where it says "POSTS LAST POST" etc. you will see
Search•My Control Center•Private Messages•Enter Chat Room•Log Out•

just click on private messages and it will open in your "in Box" just look to the left of the screen and you will see.........scroll down to the Private message part. click on "send a private message" and make it out to whomever you want to.

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