SENSATION 11/10/03



Sorry- I am not sailing with you. We sailed the Sensation on our first cruise. It so far is my favorite cruise...maybe because it is the first. We also sailed the Victory and the Voyager.
I do have to tell you about the hot tubs in the GYM. It was wonderful. No matter what time of day I went there was no one in there except me. It was so warm and relaxing. If you need quiet time before ya get ready for dinner. Head to the gym and into the hot tub.


I will be there too! I am taking my mom on a cruise for her birthday. Our first Carnival cruise :) We have only been on one cruise before and it was aboard the Olympic Countess (Greek ship). It was nice but small.

Thanks for the tip on the Gym hot tubs. I had read much about the deck hot tubs that wasn't too favorable (too cold, too many kids).