Sensation questions - June 07



Hi everyone
I have a friend trying a 4 day on the Carnival Sensation for their first cruise. They have cabin U98 and are taking two teenagers. Does anyone have any information about thye Sensation? Especially things to do for the two teenagers. Also, Port information would be helpful also (Freeport and Nassau).


So your friends popped for a suite eh?

Please note the 3-4 day cruises are more of a party atmosphere then the longer cruises of 5-6 and 7 day cruises) and hope they dont judge all cruising by this particular cruise.

There will be a meeting for the teens the first night. its very important that these teens get to that meeting. Make it mandatory if you have to- or they will complain they are bored all week.
At this meeting is where they will get to meet kids their own age on their sailing. Mostly teens get together and hang out a lot during the week instead of doing group activities.

Early dinner is also important as most teens are eating / getting ready between 5 and 8. (taking late seating for dinner gives the teens way too much down time-- 5 until 8-- then eating til 10.

Many kids will be onboard with a June sailing

Freeport-- do a google search- not much there at this port. Shopping is cheaper at home. Casino was tight.