Separate Cash N' Carry Cards??



My husband and I will be sailing with our daughter in a few weeks. My husband and I will share an on board account, but our daughter needs her own. Will they give her her own cash n' carry card? She is 19 years old.=huh


I know she'll have her own sail and sign card...but I'm not sure about whether it will be attached to your account or not. I would think it would be possible....but I'm just can't say for sure.


If she has a credit or debit card, it will be easy to set up during checkin. Otherwise she can set up a cash deposit with the purser after boarding. Setting up separate accounts for different passengers sharing the same cabin is pretty routine; I've done so a number of times.


Being 19 she will need to be attached to your card--- even if she has her own.
You will still be responsible for her since she is under 21.

When you check in-- she will need to provide her own card.. or cash at the pursers desk.
if she does not want spending on the ship-- then do nothing.. she will need her card to get on and off the ship and its her room key-


Yes you can have her have her own account....
My best friend and I went on a girl's cruise in August although same cabin we were able to set it up where we both had our own accountants no problem at the desk.


We took a friend of DD last year and had no problem setting her up with her own account. She was in our room, was 19 and put cash on her account. You should have no problems.


excellent. thanks everyone. now i'd like to know how you go about checking and verfying your purcheses. We sailed on the Explorer twice (RCCL) and we were able to view on board charges on the t.v.

How does this work on Carnival and how can you view multipule accounts?


I'm not sure but I think some ships have an in room, TV review. We were on the Fantasy (older ship) and didn't. I did go to the purser desk the last sea day and got a copy of our bill to review as I heard the line would be long the night before and day of leaving the ship. I reviewed and paid off the tab and only had a few things after that time on our charge. The bill was slid under our door that morning we left.

I have read suggestions on longer cruises to review your bill about midway thru the cruise to make sure everything is accurate. I guess it is easier to review half the bill at one time, if you get what I mean. We are going to let the charges ride on the credit card this time and just pay it off when the bill arrives at home.