Service solutions



As we have cruise on Pride of America purchased, I have been reading with some trepidation about problems with service and cleanliness on this ship. This will be our first cruise. Need help with knowing who are the proper people in authority to go to with any problems that may occur. Have read about beds with no top sheet, dirty duvet covers, floors unclean, toilets not flushing, bathrooms not cleaned for passenger arrival, unclean glasses. Also have seen that the night viewing of the volcano is being dropped from the itinerary with reason being stated as need to save the time because of propulsion/engine problems. We realize that engine problems happen, but have seen this reason stated for several departures. Also late arrival into ports. How much is the cruise industry allowed to take away from what passengers have purchased?


The contract allows the cruise line to make any changes it need to for any reason.

The first person to speak to is your room steward. Then his/her supervisor. Then the housekeeping manager. Next in line I believe is the Purser. You can also call your travel agent (who might have more influence then you will). My cell phone worked from Kona. I am sure you will be able to make cell phone calls from any of the Hawaiian ports.


As for late arrivals into ports and those types of issues they generallly are not the fault of the cruise line butr weather, sometimes crowded ports or perhaps mechanical problems which is the ships concerns. I will continue to say what you get out of your cruise experience is up to you. Of course if your room is dirty you would do, just like you do in a hotel: notify housekeeping first. go from there if necessary. I have cruised close to 20 times and have yet to be on any ship I would call dirty.

As far as what you have purchased, if you are really unhappy with your experience you will need to talk to someone in charge. Believe me, if your complaints are legit and handled in an adult way the staff will do what they can to pacify you. Call your travel as a last resort, but that is a wonderful suggestion. The reason I say, as last resort, by the time we can get to the main offices in Florida and they get to the ship the problem could be solved or the cruise about over.

What is the industry allowed to take away? I am not sure what you mean, but all that any line contracts for is to offer lodging and meals. Of course a cruise is much more than this, but that is all they have to provide. Lets hope you get 1000 times more.

Being your first cruise you really have nothing to compare it with, I still maintain, from experience cruising on an all American line in Hawaii is a little different than other cruise experiences.

Hope your cruise is all you expect and don't pay too much attention to the reviews, take with a grain of salt. It is always easier to complain than write a positive experience as we expect it to be positive and don't think much about our vacation if it turns out perfect, only if things go wrong. One more thing to remember: when things don't go as we had hoped we will often take the little things and blow them up at first. If we let an issue die down, the little things can often become even smaller. We just got off the beautiful NCL Jewel. It was less than a month old, everything anyone could hope for from good food to outstanding entertainment and a crew that would do anything for you. I still heard complaints. Some people just find it hard to say "this was great" or "good" without some exception in there. NMNIta