ShipMaven update (June 2)


Staff Captain
Good morning. I spoke with ShipMaven last night. She asked me to tell everyone that her condition is much improved, although she does not yet know when she will be discharged from the hospital. She also asked me to convey her deep appreciation for everyone's concern, thoughts, and prayers. Again, things seem to be moving in the right direction.


Staff Captain
Thanks so much for the update, Lisa...

We are all very concerned about Mary Ann...but glad to hear there is improvement. I hope she continues down that path, and gets back home soon.

Hugs and prayers continue....


Staff Captain
Thank you, Lisa63. I've been worried sick about Shipmaven. I send good healing thoughts and that she is home soon with her precious boy Pucci. (((HUGS))) Shipmaven (((HUGS)))


Safety Officer
Thanks so much Lisa for the update. And it is indeed good news!


1st Officer - Navigation
Thanks for the update Lisa. That must be one of those stubborn infections......wishing only the best result for Mary Ann!


Staff Captain
Community Sponsor
Thanks for the update Lisa.
What wonderful news that she is improving & hope she will soon be home with her Pucci.
Prayers continue


Staff Captain
Thanks Lisa for the report. And best wishes for continuing improvement.



Staff Captain
Thanks for the update. So glad to hear she is improving. I hope she will be able to come home soon. I'm sure she and Pucci miss each other something awful.


Staff Captain
Thanks for the update. Glad to hear there is some improvement and hope it continues so she can go home to Pucci and her own bed!


3rd Officer
YAY! MaryAnn has been in our thoughts everyday, thanks for the update.

Rylee & Timber know that Pucci is anxiously awaiting Mommy's return.

Krazy Kruizers

Holland America Specialist
Thank you for the update.

Hope Mary Ann keeps inproving and will be home soon.