


We are travelling on the Century 8/14-8/21 to the Western Carib. w/another couple. The man in the couple hates wearing suits and said he found out on formal night that only a shirt and tie would be fine. My husband is now telling me not to pack his suit! I don't think so! Just wondering what would happen if a guy were to show up in a shirt and tie on formal night. Thanks!

Frank Black

In my opinion, a shirt and tie is not appropriate on formal night. In fact, sometimes Celebrity has been know to prevent people from attending the shows with improper attire. Yes, I have seen people with tee shirts and blue jeans and cowbow hats at formal dinners, but it's still not really proper. I sport coat with shirt and tie is about as casual as one should go on a formal night.



I'll tell you a little secret. The reason Celelbrity is so nice is because the folks dress up at night. When folks dress nicely they act nice and they treat each other nicely too. Great service is always complimented by the dress code.

Yes, you will see some pax who are not wearing the right things and they will definitely look out of place. Part of the cruise experience is dressing up and going to dinner. The stewards in the Restaurant knock themselves out to put on a great evening experience and everyone enjoys themselves.

If your friends feel uncomfortable on formal night they can make reservations for the alternative restaurant and they can dine there instead. Tell your husband, "When in Rome do as the Romans do". If you had booked on NCL, Carnival or Princess I would say that no one will care. The difference with Celebrity is that more pax do dress up and it shows.



I will definitely have my husband where his suit. I agree that it is much better to be more dressed up on a ship like Celebrity. Thanks for everyone's advice.



Better take a coat/jacket. the diningroom can be chilly. Invariably I have found that a very small number of ecentrics on each cruise show up in short shirts, but it seems that there are more business suits than tuxes.


I have found Celebrity to be the most formal of the lines we have taken. Even on the notoriously casual Alaska intinerary, coats were seen on all but "casual" nights, and tuxes outnumbered suits on formal night. Didn't see any Cowboys jerseys in the dining room at dinner on any night, but did see a kilt! Don't forgo the coat--shirt and tie alone don't cut it.


On Celebrity your husband may feel out of place not dressing to the "T's" for formal the very least, a dark suit, or else go to Burlington Coat Factory to buy a tuxedo for about 3 bills..... it's a worthy investment...think of it as an investment for future cruises. That's one of the things I like about Celebrity and Princess, people actually still dress for formal nights.

We all read a lot of posts from all the boards about how people are dressing less for formal nights and how many people don't like don't become part of the problem, don't give into peer pressure :)


I understand what you mean about formal nights and respect the opinions voiced.

However as an office manager in the UK (aged 36 so not THAT young) who spends 50+ per week dressed in a suit I fail to see why I should have to wear one for 'informal' nights (though of course now I will). What's 'informal' about wearing a suit?

Understand for formal nights a suit is obligatory and I respect that but having to wear one sort of suit or another for 5 nights out of seven is not my idea of relaxation, especially as this is my honeymoon! It is possible to be well dressed without a suit jacket.

You may be able to buy a tux in the US for the equivalent of '3 bills' (currently around £170) but you certainly can't in the UK. It would cost me that to hire one for 7 nights.

Wish I had read this website earlier (we travel on Celebrity Infinity out of Vancouver to Alaska 5th September for anyone joining us) I'm sure my new wife and I will have a great time but I may well have chosen to travel with a company with a slightly more 'liberal' attitude to smart dress..

Travelled with Costa lLnes around the mediterranean last summer and suits were heavily evident which is great. However, as long as you were smartly dressed there was no issue. Not wishing to open up a large can of worms but is this an age thing? The only time I see a suit worn in the UK by anyone under 60 is for work, weddings, christenings and funerals.


Well I also wear the TUX when I cruise....but I have yet found it a problem to sit with someone else who is dressed as best possible and neatly on formal night. Tie or n tie. You would of course feel out of place in a t-shirt.
to Roberts1892... you can get a more than half decent used tux in Vancouver for $150.00 ca (or less) from a rental outfit and you would have one forever. Or at least until you eat a few of those meals.


Message for Roberts1892, don't panic!! I also wear a suit for work 50+ hours/week and have travelled with celebrity on board the Century, I wore a smart dark business suit on formal nights because I could not justify the expense of a dinner suit. I am 44 and found 60% of people on formal nights dressed the same as me, on informal nights a nice pair of trousers and short sleeve shirt (open necked, no tie!) were the order of the day, the Americans at my table dressed the same. It was mainly the groups of 60+ age group that chose to dress formally all the time.

Beware of the comment about it being chilly, this might apply if you are under an air con outlet, but we were on the upper level of the main restaurant and I had to leave early rather than pass out with the heat. Fine for all the ladies in nice lacy evening dresses but not us guys trussed up like oven ready chickens in shirt and ties.

Take your new wife for 'casual dining' in the restuarant at the rear of the ship, this must be booked with guest services and is very intimate with superb personal attention, me and my wife really enjoyed this and will be doing it again in November on the Summit.

Most of all enjoy it, it's a great way to holiday!