Shopping/price dispute



For the first time ever, we purchased jewelry from a ship approved store and returned to Michigan and found I'd paid almost 50% more than the appraised price. We're now working back through the OnBoard media group that handles these issues.

Has anyone had similar problems? Have they been solved to your satisfaction? We're waiting now -- after submitting our proof of purchase and the appraisals we had done ...... and I'm very nervous.

We were on Greece at the time, and it just seems this may be an awful process to go through and I am so afraid we've lost the money. I guess I take a patience pill and wait.

Any thoughts or experiences would be helpful. This is the first time we've ever had this happen with RCCL after multiple cruises.


No experience as such BUT perhaps U might also be able to dispute the purchase if it was made with an Amex CC until U get the problem rectified. Just a thought. =shrug



THanks. I'm working with RCCL and so far, we're making progress. My credit card co. is aware, and I'm on record disputing charge. If I need to ........ they're prepared to intervene. Thanks.