Cruise Industry News
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Cruise Industry News Has Just Posted the Following:
<p><img style="margin: 5px; float: left;" src="" height="150" width="200" />Set to celebrate its 30th anniversary next week in Naples, Florida, the Marine Hotel Association (MHA) Executive Director Caroline Pritchard said: “Who we are and what we do has not changed much. We started out with sound objectives and they are still valid: simply to create a forum of dialogue between cruise
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<p><img style="margin: 5px; float: left;" src="" height="150" width="200" />Set to celebrate its 30th anniversary next week in Naples, Florida, the Marine Hotel Association (MHA) Executive Director Caroline Pritchard said: “Who we are and what we do has not changed much. We started out with sound objectives and they are still valid: simply to create a forum of dialogue between cruise
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