
Does anyone know when the official ban on smoking in cabins takes effect? I had heard it was going to be Jan 1st. Since I have another booking on Constellation in Jan, want to know if it will be in effect. Personally, I think smoking in the room is much safer than out on the balcony blowing lit embers all over the place.B)-


The problem with smoking in the cabin is that I just might have that cabin on the cruise right after you...

Tobacco smoke has a tendency to permeate things and not leave...

"Sanitizing" the cabin for the next guest is not an easy chore.

When I stay at a hotel, I ALWAYS request a "non-smoking" room...a little more complicated to set up that sort of arrangement with cruise ships...

Personally, I wish they'd make the entire ship "nonsmoking"...


That's why that make chocolate and vanilla....they have non-smoking ships...SAIL THEM.

Actually, Febreze works wonders....unless you have some kind of severe medical allegic which case, you take medication for it.


I've yet to be placed in a "Smoking" room and I have no idea if that is luck or that there is something goin' on with my TA. I note non smoking has been in all of our "Facts" listed in our reservation package (on line also) Maybe they do have a plan.???
I have seen some rooms with smokers in them where there is a "fog" like curtain around the room in the hallway it's so bad. I don't think that anything they have could make those rooms suitable for a person who has difficulty with smoke such as me. There is nothing worse than a former smoker ..right?

I would be interested in knowing what ships are non smoking. X has none for sure and in the Major Cruise Line only Carnival had one but it lost money and they switched.

Yes there are some upscale but who cruises with Certainly not me and the folks I know.


Well that's the problem Bob...the top lines know they have to accomodate smokers, a lot of Europeans smoke...but I know ones we probably wouldn't cruise are non smoking.

The "cloud" people annoy ME too...I smoke, but I'm not an addicted monkey chain smoking. I won't use the "smoke rooms" in airports, etc. Gross. But when I'm having my champagne I HAVE to smoke...they go hand in hand.

X annoys me with never having ashtrays available have to choice but to "flick it" overboard. I have complained about this for years...but they never have any out. You know the powder blues ones with the holes so they extinguish? Can never find one.


[quote Conniemc]Well that's the problem Bob...the top lines know they have to accomodate smokers, a lot of Europeans smoke...but I know ones we probably wouldn't cruise are non smoking.

The "cloud" people annoy ME too...I smoke, but I'm not an addicted monkey chain smoking. I won't use the "smoke rooms" in airports, etc. Gross. But when I'm having my champagne I HAVE to smoke...they go hand in hand.

X annoys me with never having ashtrays available have to choice but to "flick it" overboard. I have complained about this for years...but they never have any out. You know the powder blues ones with the holes so they extinguish? Can never find one.[/quote]

They must have all gone to Europe with the Zenith cause there was lots on her last April when she finished up in Bayonne on her last voyage with X :)


Hmmmm...well, I've only been on M class, and they are really scarce poolside. Even at the pool bar, there is usually only one. I see people stomping them out on the deck all the time...which is wrong...but it's because X gives them nowhere to put them out (on the smoking side of the ship)...

Inside, is fine. Ashtrays everywhere in the lounges.

Next cruise January Constellation......CAN'T WAIT. Hard to go more than a few months between cruises..:girly


[quote Conniemc]Actually, Febreze works wonders....unless you have some kind of severe medical allegic which case, you take medication for it.[/quote]

No,'s NOT an "allergic condition"...
It's ASTHMA....
Cigarette smoke causes my bronchial passages to swell up so that I have trouble breathing...I actually could DIE from it...fairly quickly...

Yes, there are medications...I can walk around with an inhaler...but I can't just keep taking the stuff in case I run into a's more of a reactive thing...Sort of that last ditch, save myself before I stop breathing...And I really shouldn't be forced to do that to stay alive...

It's sort of like saying I should be allowed to spray you with poisons...because, of course, they have antidotes for that...

I find this completely insensitive attitude of smokers to be unbelievable...Amazing how they feel it is their right to impose their noxious habit on others and the obligation of those others to somehow deal with it...


One thing about non-smoking ships. Carnival tried it with the Paradise, remember? They had trouble booking that ship, it was always one of the cheapest seven night cruises you could take for that reason. Also, it had the lowest on board revenue of any ship in the fleet. They figured that people who smoke like to drink and gamble more than non smokers, not sure if they were right but the figures indicated that was the case. It was a good experiment though.


None of can make the world to our own personal specifications. We must be tolerate of others and try to be considerate. I have always been a considerate smoker, long before the rabid zealots came along.

It's just a matter of basic manners, and people understanding they can't run the world. People have been smoking for centuries...

I think it's just another thing for hateful people to b**tch about. There seem to be a lot more unhappy people these days...


No, Connie...
I am NOT a "hateful" person...
I am just tired of smokers trying to tell everyone just how "considerate" they are...

Truth is that it is terribly inconsiderate to smoke and inject your toxins into the air that other people have to breathe.

It does not matter that "people have been doing it for centuries"...
People have been murdering people for centuries too...doesn't make it okay...
Slavery existed for centuries...I guess the same logic would have made that okay as well...I guess some slaveowners may have considered themselves to be "considerate" slaveowners...

There are certain things we should not be required to "tolerate"...

I do not tolerate murder... or slavery...or rape...or driving intoxicated...or racism...

I would not tolerate an industrial polluter coming into my neighborhood and releasing hazardous waste into my air or my drinking water...

I would not tolerate bullies or hoodlums attacking me...

...and I don't think any of us have to "tolerate" smokers...

It is not a question of "running the world"...It's a question of a basic human right to not allow others to harm us, infect us, poison us...even if they've been "doing it for centuries"...

Basic manners??? To accept your toxic products into our lungs?

Your rights STOP when they infringe on the more sacrosanct rights of others.

Call me a "rabid zealot" if you like...along with the Abolitionists, anti-war advocates...maybe the Partisans who stood up to the "considerate" N*zis...

You have a nasty addiction that clearly clouds your thinking...and has got you rationalizing somehow, that YOU are one of the "good guys" and I am the nut...Unbelievable...