[quote Conniemc]Actually, Febreze works wonders....unless you have some kind of severe medical allegic condition...in which case, you take medication for it.[/quote]
No, Connie...it's NOT an "allergic condition"...
It's ASTHMA....
Cigarette smoke causes my bronchial passages to swell up so that I have trouble breathing...I actually could DIE from it...fairly quickly...
Yes, there are medications...I can walk around with an inhaler...but I can't just keep taking the stuff in case I run into a problem...it's more of a reactive thing...Sort of that last ditch, save myself before I stop breathing...And I really shouldn't be forced to do that to stay alive...
It's sort of like saying I should be allowed to spray you with poisons...because, of course, they have antidotes for that...
I find this completely insensitive attitude of smokers to be unbelievable...Amazing how they feel it is their right to impose their noxious habit on others and the obligation of those others to somehow deal with it...