


You can smoke in any stateroom. The theater and dining room are always smoke-free. The rest of the ship is pretty much smoking on one side and non-smoking on the other.


Okay, so it's clear that the "smokers" are allowed to bring that obnoxious stuff on board, light small fires and disperse fumes throughout major sections of the ship...

My question: I really enjoy RAID brand "insect foggers"...the lovely aroma, the unique flavor, etc.
I do not care that inhaling them is harmful to my health and those around me...
They are, last I checked, LEGAL...
And I have an inherent right to use them however and wherever I want...

So, my question: If I bring, say, a few cases on board, will I be able to use the Dining Room? In the Showroom? In the Lounges? The Piano Bar? The Library? Game Room? Elevators? Spa? By the pool? Only on the "right" side of the ship?


Ah darn it Bruin . . . just as I was starting to like you (on the Cruise Critics Celebrity board) . . . you equate my smoking to bug spray? Okay . . . I'll blow my smoke on the right (or is it left) side of the ship . . . and you spray your bug stuff on the other and we'll both keep the "evil bugs and smokers" away. If it helps, I don't smoke in the house, car, restaurants or around non-smokers.

Truth be known . . . I really want to quit and am planning on going "cold turkey" on my cruise in September. So . . . don't come near me because I going to be a total *****! Only teasing . . . . (about being a *****) <G>


Don't worry...sooner or later I think I'll offend everyone...nothing personal...
One problem is that you're from Virginia...Isn't that the area where they grow that stuff? You probably can't help it...Maybe you smoke in order to help support the local economy...

Here in SoCal, we DON'T's illegal...Only folks smoking are tourists and recent immigrants...

In California, it's been illegal FOR YEARS to smoke in restaurants, bars, the workplace, public buildings, etc. We have, by far, the lowest tobacco sales per capita in the world...

It is quite hard to travel to other parts of the world and cope with people smoking in restaurants, bars, public places...and cruise ships...

In all seriousness, my disdain for smoking is not just a personal bias thing or an infringement of personal choice issue...I am asthmatic and certain things will affect me drastically, smoking being the worst (air pollution, microwave popcorn and others aren't exactly fun foir me either)...When I am anywhere near someone smoking, my brionchial passages become inflamed and within minutes I haqve extreme trouble breathing...

Most smokers seem to think this is MY problem, not theirs and that I somehow need to just cope with it...

The kidding about the bug spray is just one of my ways of coping...


Maybe people in SoCal don't smoke Virginia Tobacco, but the Mexican stuff on the other hand..........................................