


I just posted this message in the Celebrity forum but wanted to check here also. I really dislike smoke. I have only cruised on Princess in the past. Can anyone tell me if I will experience a difference on celebrity than princess in this area. I have read that this is a concern on Celebrity.


I have not cruised on Celebrity yet, but I am intrested on your experience with second hand smoke on Princess. I hope when relaxing on my balcony I will not have to tolerate second hand smoke. The day of all cruise ships becoming smoke free can't come soon enough for me !!!


There where only certain places you could smoke when we were on the Grand. They were far a few between. Also as with other cruise lines you could only smoke on one side of the ship while on deck. And the solarium pool area was completely smoke free. Celebrity has more places to smoke, but they also stick to the smoking on one side only. I think there was far less on the Grand and also RCI Navigator had very few smoking areas. I don't think ships will be completely smoke free for a long time yet but they sure are cutting down on it. As for the smoking on the balcony, yes people were smoking on theirs, on all of the above ships mention.

Laurie :wave