Sailing to the caribbean on the Golden in a couple of weeks. If we visit beaches independently do we need to take our own snorkelling gear or can we hire from the ship.
You can rent equipment on board or on land.. But I would buy a mask & snorkle at Walmart or the like. A good set is about $18-22. You don't need flippers to snorkle, but there not expensive either.. Clean them good in fresh water when you get home and they will last you a long time and save you big $.$$ over time... Bombero
=bigwave :FL =bigwave
Yes, bring your own. The rented ones are cleansed but how well??? With your own you know who has had it. There is a piece that goes in your mouth, with a rented one you may not know what you have picked up (Norfolk Virus, anyone).
I would also buy my own if I were you. We didn't have our own for years and finally bought 4 sets for our last cruise. It was really nice knowing that our masks would fit and that the snorkels were really clean. We didn't buy the fins because they take up WAY too much room when packing luggage. You really don't need fins and can get by without them. We usually end up using the fins provided by the tour operators if we use them at all.
I'm a nurse..and EEEEEEEEEEwwwwwwwww to the last rinse off post by ocean it's cheap,fast and easy to purchase your own..we ALWAYS carry ours..good luck...:daisy..Joanne
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