snorkel virgins here.....



we could not snorkel on our last cruise due to water visibility. So this time we were thinking of trying it [again] at st. John, Trunk Bay. Could someone please tell me if I have the correct info... from what I gather when we get there we can rent the equipment ourselves from someone on the beach.. Now isn't this gross? I mean the mouth piece? (only I would think of this) ANYWAY... any Ideas on how much it cost to do this, Including equipment? there is a group of 8 of us. I wouldn't think that would be a problem would it? thank you for any info you have to share...


I don't have any information for the location you are inquiring about but, you are not the only one to think of using a "shared" mouth piece.... I could not do it!! So, off to the sporting goods store I went and bought my own. You don't have to buy all of the snorkel equipment if you don't want to, just grab a snorkel.


Everytime we snorkeled (3 times) on our 1st cruise , Everyone had the masks and snorkels soaking in soapy water and Chlorox. I wasn't worried. However for our next cruise we have bought all of our own equipment. I


we use our own mask and snorkel... we rent fins or use the tour supply.



We bring our own equipment; the only thing we use from the turs is the life vest which they insiste you wear. I don't even like the idea of putting my feet into flippers where someone who had a problem would wear.......just my opinion.



Yes you can rent the equipment - a whole set costs $5. It is not a bad idea to buy your own. I bought a mask and snorkel set at Sport's Authority for $15 and used it 4 times on our last cruise so it has already paid for itself. Trunk Bay is a great place to learn to snorkel because there are life guards there to help you if you have any questions. It sounds complicated to get to Trunk Bay on your own but it really isn't.. When you get off of the ship just go to the taxi area and tell them that you have 8 people going to Trunk Bay. They will take you to Red Hook where you will get on the ferry to St. John. When you get off of the ferry again go to the taxi area and tell them you have 8 people going to Trunk Bay. When you are ready to head back to the ship you just reverse the above. The costs are - taxi to Red Hook - $8/person, ferry $3/person, taxi to Trunk Bay $4/person, entry fee for Trunk Bay $4 (it is a US National Park so if you have a golden eagle pass it is free). Feel free to email me if you have any other questions. We were just there three weeks ago and we can't wait to go back!!