Someone please post! Getting sick of seeing my name!


Lady Jag

:grin C'mon, I know there's lurkers out there! Someone post or I'm gonna think I'm the only one on this board. There's GOT to be someone else out there! :? :? :? :? :?


I'm one of those "lurkers" who has been reading the boards for a while.

Lady Jag, you appear to be an experienced Princess cruise vacationer.

Hubby and I have taken Holland America and Celebrity so far, and are doing the 11-night Summit in November.

We would like to try Princess next to compare the ships. My question to you is have you tried the above two lines and if so, how do they compare to Princess?

Note: I am disabled and use a wheelchair most of the time (have some mobility), so I need a ship that is easy to manouever around. What appeals to us the personal choice dining option and Harry likes bigger ships.

Any comments are greatly appreciated.


Lady Jag

Hi Freelancer - I know someone who is wheelchair-bound and only cruises with Princess. She has become a loyal customer due to the way they treat her. They bend over backwards trying to make her comfortable.

I have personally seen MANY crew members stop what they are doing and talk to elderly people that are in wheelchairs when they are alone. I'll never forget on one cruise in particular, I was sitting in the pool area writing post cards and observed an older lady in a wheelchair who was all alone. Not one, not two, but 4 crew members stopped by to chat with her. They didn't want to sell her a cocktail in a souvenir glass and they didn't ask her to move her chair out of their way. They simply wanted to talk with her, ask her if they could do anything for her and laugh with her. You'd think these crew people were her children the way they took care of her!

The Grand Class ships are very easy to get around in, IMO, but I probably haven't noticed the details of getting around like you would. The layout is very simple. Our two sons had the ship down in a matter of an hour or two. I think the only confusing part is getting to the aft dining room, in which case, you have to use the aft elevators only.

I'm sorry to say I haven't sailed with Celebrity or HAL - two cruise lines I've missed mostly because of our sons (ages 11 & 13.5) and their preferences to ships with video game arcades. But, they are in my future as soon as the boys are off at college. Maybe someone else here could help compare the cruise lines for you? Post a message! This board needs more posts! :) Sorry I couldn't be of more help!


Thanks, Lady Jag, for your comments. I can understand how you want to use Princess since it probably has more activities for your sons.

My husband and I are in our late 40s, and while not overly active, still enjoy a varied passenger base. The HAL cruise last fall had people mostly over 65, which was fine. My elderly parents live with us, so we are used to interacting with seniors every day.

We enjoyed the Celebrity Infinity Alaska cruise in late June. Lots of ages and it was like the United Nations of cruises with many nationalities represented on board.

I know the Summit cruise will appeal to an older crowd also, but we wanted a longer break this fall. We're used to driving to Florida from Canada every November, so a week cruise didn't seem long enough.


Lady Jag

We're doing a 10 night March-April of next year. I'm hoping there will be SOME kids onboard. I know the longer cruises tend to attract fewer kids, but since it's close to Easter, we're hoping there'll be a few more onboard. Still deciding for next June-July.

Celebrity does adult cruises well, IMO. I think you'll have a great time! :thumb

:wave Dave - looks like you, me and Freelancer are the only ones here! :grin


Well here goes... We are taking the 15 day round trip to Hawaii from LA. the 2/ 20/04. Tt is our third cruise, and our third with Princess. Can't wait---- Would love to know what the sea days are mostly like any suggestions would be great! Ron

Lady Jag

Ron - My mother is doing the Vancouver to Hawaii cruise on the Carnival Spirit in a couple weeks. I'll post her what she tells me. I do know that they have A LOT of shipboard activities for those wonderful sea days. Sounds like a GREAT cruise and, by then, maybe the seas will be a little more calm (too many storms now!).