Something to think about...



Just returned home yesterday from 10 day Coral Princess and I was totally amazed at how rude people could be. The ultimate for us was on a tour in Ocho Rios - this first part of the tour of Coyaba Gardens which was very nice and guided, the second part was a viewing of Dunns Falls (not a climbing) we were told to be back to the bus at a specific time, but because of the heat and physcial stress, many were back much earlier, with no problem of waiting for the appointed time. However, that time came and went and there was one couple that did not show up. Our guide searched the park twice only to return in tears and empty handed. She searched again with the same results and the remaining passengers agreed that we should return to the boat after having waited an extra 45 minutes for these people.

Please, Please, Please, if you are going on an organized tour and decide to leave, for whatever reason, notify someone. This young guide was so distressed, that all of the passengers remaining offered to write letters or make telephone calls on her behalf.


In all my cruises, it never ceases to amaze me how many people think they are the only passengers.

I remember the Mediterranean on the Grand Princess the other year, we went over July 4, so you knew it was going to be hot. On a tour in Naples to Herculaneum, our tour guide was a local and his english was quite good. He tried to stop to tell us about things under trees, etc and there was this couple who did nothing but complain...they wanted to continue on instead of stopping, etc they were just nasty. There were 2 Princess crew along on the tour and they cornered them to complain. I saw it and afterwards, talked to the ladies. I then went to the shore excursion and told them what I saw and that the crew handled it excellently. All these people wanted to do was get their money back.

They also complained about the tour they took to Florence. Part of Florence is pedestrian only and they complained about having to walk. Of course, the blocks blocked off from traffic was Princess' fault. Even though the excursion stated that walking was involved.

On the same cruise, in Istanbul, this gentlemen complained because his hotdog was put on a round plate, not an oblong one. The cook merely dumped it onto an oblong plate and the man was happy.

Seems that some people just can't be happy with the blessings they have.


Sort of like the person that won the $22 Mil lotter yand could ONLY bitch about the taxes they would have to pay. :dizzy Sorry to hear of your experience on your excursion. :( Sometimes ya just gotta get rid of the few pits to see how good the cherries REALLY are. It is hard to ignore people like this but that unfortnatly is the ONLY resolve we have. Ya do sort of hope that someday they are returned the favor. Bet I know who is the one that will complain the loudest. :grin



Smae thing happened to me on a dive in St Kitts. It was to be a guided tour along the reef at about 60 to 80 feet. It was a long triangular site so lots of swimming was involved. Our guide was new and did not do a great job of checking up on eveyone (only 8 divers) in the group. We all had agreed before hand to follow the guide and stick together because of the current and depth. Well somewhere along the way, 2 of the group decided to go a diff way to get some pictures. On the last leg, 3 of us were running low on air so we signaled the divemaster to point us to the boat (which he had to surface to find, bad sign right there) and we went up as a group. About 10 minutes after we got on the boat, the remaining 3 divers came up and said that the divemaster was looking for the other 2 and could not find them. Several of us got back into the water on drift lines and floated on the surface looking for them. We were about to go get our 2nd tanks on when the divemaster surfaced with these two. All 3 were almost out of air. They went their on merry way and got lost. On our way to the second dive, the divemaster was too tired to yell, so the rest of us tookturns telling them how stupid they were and how they could have killed themselves and this poor kid.


Princess Pat

We do have to give a big thank you to the many, many cruisers who are thoughtful and courteous on the tours and make every effort to get back on time.

I told y'all about the time in Spain where the teenagers hauled his mother onto the coach only to have her bolt back off to a vendor.
