


As I was reading through here, I had a thought. I love reading SouthernBlueLady's responses on this board. I know she had mentioned she lived in downtown New Orleans. I hope she left when they sent the warnings and is safe somewhere. She is one of our family here on the board. Just a thought.

God Bless everyone who is struggling right now.


How odd to see this thread! SouthernLadyBlue is the 'name' my aunt uses when she posts on several cruise boards. I guess that's who you're referring to.....?

She lives a few blocks over from me, and she is fine. She hasn't returned yet; she's visiting her daughter in Malibu, CA until things get back to normal.I have checked her house, and although there was some wind damage on the 2nd floor - shutters and such, and the courtyard is full of debris (which I'm helping to clean up), she had little damage. My sister and I went over and tossed out all the food that was in the refrig. and freezer. She should be back in the city in another week. I'll certainly tell her folks were asking about her. She will be pleased. How nice of you.