specialty beers in place of wine??



Hi everybody,
I am going on my first princess cruise to Alaska on the Sea Princess (if all goes well with the preceeding cruise :p ). I am not a wine or liquor person but do enjoy specialty beers. Would the same rules apply for bringing wine on board? Also should i pack them or carry them onboard? I will be driving to port so flying is no issue here.



When are you on the Sea?

" We kindly request that you do not bring alcoholic beverages (other than wine and/or champagne) onboard for consumption".

If you get "caught" with it, they will hold it for you until the last day, if they dont allow you to carry it on.

I dont know how Princess handles taking beer onto the ship. Alot will depend on if the security person is having a bad hair day or not.

JMO, but it would seem to be kinda heavy to deal with, weight wise. Keep in mind that they handle your suitcases behind the scenes like grandmas fine china. :) They deliver your bigger pieces of luggage to your cabin.

On my last cruise, Princess destroyed my friends suitcase.

If you are going to smuggle, wrap the beer securely so if it breaks it doesnt get all over my clothes.

I am on the Sea in August and am looking forward to Alaska Amber. If you sail before me, please come back with a report.

Dont forget to check out the roll call forum and the cruise tracker to see if others are sailing with you.




I'm sailing May 24th on the Inside Passage, so I will let you know about the Amber, I will be touring the brewery as well. I am only planning on bringing a few beers, all of which are in bottles easily mistaken for wine, so i am hoping i can sneak by unhindered. Are you allowed to carry on, or must it be packed?


"Wine" can be carried on.

I hope they have Alaska Amber on the Sea. They did on the Coral. I cant get it here(Rochester NY).

Have a great time on the cruise !!!!!!! Enjoy the tour of the brewery.

If they wont let you carry it on, they will hold it for you till the last night and give it back.


When you are in port buy a 6 pack of beer. It will be in a bag. Place it on the conveyor going thru the xray and that is all there is to it. There is not a problem as long as it is not excessive. One thing to remember is that the cost savings may not be that much. At one port I paid about $12 for a 6 pack. The bars in the towns charge about $5 to $6 for a pint.