sport coat & tie okay for formal night?



can my husband get by with a nice sport coat and tie on formal night? would someone tell him he couldn't enter the dining room dressed that way?


On my last cruise I forgot to bring my clothes for formal night. I mentioned to my waiter that I wouldn't be there on the 2 formal nights they were having because I had forgotten my proper clothes. He said to me not to worry about it and that it would be fine and to just show up. The only stuff I had to wear was a nice solid polo type shirt and dress pants and shoes. I didn't even have a tie and I was fine. As far as I know there is no strict formal dress code on those 2 nights but I did feel a bit under dressed compared to most others but I was fine. I would imagine that a sport coat and tie should be fine.

Post Edited (06-29-03 10:55)


Yes he can wear a sports coat and tie. You will see quite a few men in a sports coat and tie. Some people may say you must have a dark suit and tux but you will see many sports coat and ties.

I here of people saying the majority of men wore tuxes but I have been on 5 different cruise lines and only once did someone at our table have a tux on. The majority of the men have just worn sports coats and ties.


My hubby is not a "tux" kind a guy.

He wore a nice suit and there were several other gentlemen on the ship that wore suits as well, so he didnt feel out of place.


I think he will be fine. We seen alot of different ways of dress on our last cruise. Go and enjoy yourself :) I think I stressed WAY TO MUCH over the whole issue...


My guy wears a sport coat and tie. On our last Carnival cruise in December (Triumph), everyone was so casual, even on "formal night" that he just wore a nice shirt and his sport jacket.

We've also cruised on Princess, NCL, Royal Caribbean and others ... and he takes the same thing. I think Carnival is more relaxed.

The men in tuxes look sharp, but my fellow is more comfortable in his sport jacket or suit -- personal choice in my opinion. He AND you will be comfortable either way!

Enjoy -- after your first cruise, you'll be planning another! :dance

Jeff & Susana

"can my husband get by with a nice sport coat and tie on formal night?"

Actually that is just about perfect.
(there were more tuxes on the limo drivers at the airport than in the dining room on formal night........)

Not to worry.


Yes, a sport coat and tie are just fine. Don't be intimidated by posts you see asserting that a gentleman would be out of place in less formal attire than a tux; it's just not so.



I agree that a sport coat and tie isn't out of place. I would like to add that I enjoy the formal atmosphere and try to contribute to it. Having said that I am sure there are those who feel that my attire may not qualify for the "formal attire" definition. It seem most cruise lines "suggest" or "request" formal atire, not require it. Since I am on a roll here I will state that I don't feel a sport coat qualifies as formal wear. I guess I am trying to say just about anything goes, but I would prefer it didn't.


Personally, I guess I must be a rare Male. I enjoy putting on the tux and going out with the wife. We are cruising in 2 weeks and the whole famlily will be in formal attire. Wife going to use the pictures on the cruise to send with Christmas cards!~I guess its your personal taste but I agree John, i enjoy putting on the tux evry now and then!:AL:USA