Sting Ray City Excursion


Deck Crew
We will be going on the Valor in April and want to visit Sting Ray City. My brother-in-law weighs over 300 lbs. We are wondering if he will be able to get on and off the boat when we get to the City. Some of us have been before but with another cruise line. Does any one know if the boat used by the excursion from Carnival has access for those who are a little, okay, a lot, hefty?


Awaiting results of mental evaluation
Getting off won't be a problem ... As far as getting back up ... It will depend on the excursion boat. I've done SRC via catamaran, small boat, dive boat and big excursion boat. Have seen a lot of overweight people in the water and (I'm assuming here) that they all managed to get back into their boat. At least, I never saw anyone left behind ...

I think your best bet would be to contact the tour provider directly (e-mail) and be clear in your concerns ... being PC could easily lead to misunderstanding and assurances of "No problem mon..." only to find out differently later.


Social Host
I have been there before, there were at least 4 boats there at the same time. the boats all look about the same size. As Calgon said getting in won`t be a problem. There is about 3 or 4 rungs he would have to cope with. I am sure if he asks for help . there won`t be a problem. have fun !!